Terrorists, Extremists, and other Violent Actors Course Image Active Violence by Terrorists, Extremists, and Other Violent Actors:
Recognition and Immediate Response Strategies

This one-day, subject matter expert led course explores the mindset of a terrorist, violent extremist, or violent actor intending to attack a company, facility, office, commercial facility, or public venue.

Learn More $75.00
Simulated IED image Effective Effective Strategies for Interdisciplinary Training of Responders to Active Violence: Upping Your Game!

A workshop designed instructors, trainers, and curriculum developers for law enforcement and public safety, EMS, fire-rescue, and other emergency responder agencies who desire to “up their game” when it comes to concurrent interdisciplinary training related to active violence.

Learn More $75.00
Emergency Care Training Developing a Role Player and Special Effects Program to Enhance Emergency Responder Training and Exercise

High-end training and exercises for public safety and emergency responders often requires the use of role players and the application of various special effects including moulage, and other sensory exciters.

Learn More $185